Rugged industrial smartphones with the work alone protection app
Our mobile personal emergency signal smartphones are specially developed to secure lone workers who work at individual workstations on extensive facilities. Our solutions are robust smartphones and in combination with the lone worker protection app, they are particularly suitable for outdoor use.
You can manage the emergency call yourself, e.g. through the doorman, your own operational security department or your own control center. However, you can also use an external 24-hour emergency call control center. It must be able to manage and process telephone calls and SMS, as these sometimes transmit GPS coordinates.
The Life Tel sends out an alarm based on predefined settings when there is no movement.
If Life Tel detects an irregularity, a pre-alarm is triggered first. If this pre-alarm is not switched off by the user because the user may be unconscious, the alarm will be forwarded to a self-defined number or to a control center. The respective contact person now tries to make voice contact with the person in the accident; if this is not possible because the person concerned is no longer able to do so, action must be taken.
If the lone worker is working in open areas, the person's position can be transmitted via GPS positioning so that emergency doctors, fire department, etc. can be notified and can act. An action plan should be available so that, in the worst case, the victim can be helped within a very short period of time.
The lone worker wears the Life-Tel on his upper arm or, alternatively, on his belt and triggers an alarm via the Lone Worker Protection app in an emergency, thus notifying up to six pre-saved telephone numbers. This happens even if the person is unable to do so himself (independent of will alarm/rest alarm). The working person triggers a manual (will-dependent) alarm with just the push of a button.
The Life-Tel protects employees with sedentary jobs, such as at isolated computer workstations, using a position sensor, among other things, while the angle of body to the desk is constantly monitored.
Your EX protection in the ATEX sector

Our certified Life Tel 4 L EX2 and Life Tel 5 L EX are specifically designed to secure work alone where there is a risk of explosions. In the chemical industry, in oil and natural gas production and in many other industries, combustible substances can escape during production. The same risk also exists where concentrated amounts of particulate matter can enter an enclosed airspace, e.g. during grinding processes in grain mills. In such environments, employees must be protected through extensive active measures.
ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU
The Life Tel 4 L EX2 is a robust smartphone and was specially developed to secure solo work in Ex-protected areas in accordance with Directive 2014/34/EU.
The lone workers smartphones for securing dangerous solo work in EX Zone 2/22 and EX Zone 1/21

ATEX approval: EX zone 2/22:
EX II 3G ic IIC T3 Gc IP54
EX II 3D ic IIIB T1350C Dc
Depending on the pre-configured setting, acceleration and position sensors trigger a dead man alarm on our ATEX smartphones. The wearer then has the option to acknowledge the alarm. With the help of the built-in sensors, the specially designed emergency app recognizes the lone worker's movement profile, so that in the event of an accident or a deliberate call for help from the wearer, an emergency signal automatically triggers to the connected control center. A hands-free connection can also be established in order to establish voice contact with the victim. The integrated GPS positioning module transmits the position directly when necessary. As a result, the rescue chain starts immediately, so that the victim can be found immediately with all the information transmitted.
Life Tel 5 L EX - The smartphone for securing dangerous solo work in EX zone 1/21

ATEX approval: EX zone 1/21
II 2G Ex ib IIC T4Gb
II 2D Ex ib IIIC T135°C Db IP6X
Which ATEX zones are there?
ATEX zone division for gases and vapors
ATEX zone 0
An area in which an explosive atmosphere is present constantly, over long periods of time or frequently as a mixture of air and combustible gases, vapors or mists.
ATEX zone 1
Area in which, during normal operation, an explosive atmosphere can occasionally form as a mixture of air and combustible gases, vapors or mists.
ATEX zone 2
Area in which, during normal operation, an explosive atmosphere as a mixture of air and combustible gases, vapors or mists does not normally occur or only occurs for a short time.
ATEX zone division for dust
ATEX zone 20
An area in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of flammable dust contained in the air is present constantly, over long periods of time or frequently.
ATEX zone 21
Area in which, during normal operation, an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust contained in the air can occasionally form.
ATEX zone 22
Area in which, during normal operation, an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust contained in the air does not normally occur or only occurs for a short time.

Compliance with the requirements of the professional association
The Life-Tel 4 outdoor smartphone personal emergency signal device has been specially developed in combination with the integrated lone worker protection app to secure working alone. Lone workers usually work at dangerous individual workplaces. In accordance with the conditions and regulations of the professional association BGR 139 and the accident insurance DGUV 112-139 as well as the sole worker protection in accordance with DIN VDE V 0825-12/DIN VDE V 0825-11, the outdoor smartphone Life Tel 4 provides full and compliant protection. Entrepreneurs are required to protect such employees with personal emergency signal systems so that emergency measures can be initiated immediately in an emergency.
As a personal emergency signal device, the Life-Tel 4 meets all requirements of the relevant DGUV 112-139 and, in combination with trained security personnel, serves as a full-fledged personal emergency signal system (PNA-11).
Legal bases
Working alone is unfortunately not uncommon. Thanks to extensive automation, industry as well as municipal and municipal utilities work entire night, Sunday and public holidays shifts with minimal personnel deployment. And it is expected that the number of lone workers will continue to rise. Occupational safety must therefore adapt to these sometimes completely new conditions in order to ensure the level of protection for employees working alone.
According to § 8 of the accident prevention regulation “Principles of Prevention” (BGV A1), the entrepreneur must ensure that the person working alone is monitored when working at risk. This monitoring can also be carried out, among other things, by means of personal emergency signal systems.—FROM BGR 139, PUBLISHER: MAIN ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCIAL PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS
risk assessment
Workers who work alone and suffer an accident (e.g. fall, get electrocuted or injured) or who are the victims of attacks are often not found over a longer period of time. This time can determine the health and life of those affected. According to Section 5 Occupational Health and Safety Act, the entrepreneur must determine the risks associated with working alone and assess the working conditions. Based on the assessment, appropriate measures must be taken and documented in accordance with Section 6 Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Protective measures for “hazardous work” are particularly relevant. In this context, an increased or critical risk is considered dangerous due to the work process, the type of activity, the substances used or the environment. The DGUV states: “If hazardous work is carried out by one person alone, the entrepreneur must ensure appropriate technical or organizational personal protection measures in addition to general protection measures” (Section 8 (2) DGUV Regulation 1).
With the personal emergency signal devices to be worn on the body of the person working alone, a personal alarm can be triggered in an emergency both as a function of will and independently of will in the personal emergency signal receiving center. Emergency signals are generally transmitted wirelessly [...].—FROM BGR 139, PUBLISHER: MAIN ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCIAL PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS

Alarm types on our smartphones
Willful alarm:
The red SOS button is used for immediate alarm triggering by the user. After a simple push of a button, the Life-Tel immediately sends alarms to freely selectable pre-programmed numbers. The alarms are sent as SMS and/or phone calls.
Independent of will alarm/dead man circuit:
Situation alarm
The PNAs monitor the position of the device using a position sensor. If the wearer deviates from the default position by more than 45 degrees over a defined period of time, the telephone triggers a pre-alarm. If the person does not return to the set angle range within the duration of the pre-alarm (e.g. due to fainting), the Life-Tel smartphone triggers the alarm and notifies the preset phone numbers.

With a rest alarm, the industrial smartphone monitors whether the user is moving. If it does not recognize any movement after a self-definable period of time because the person is unable to act, the Life Tel triggers a pre-alarm. This is displayed visually and acoustically. If the person does not move again within the duration of the pre-alarm and therefore does not acknowledge the alarm, the Life-Tel triggers the alarm and notifies the preset phone numbers.
When the time alarm occurs, the Life-Tel signals visually at defined times or time intervals by flashing the large keys and an acoustic signal. By pressing any key, the user acknowledges that everything is okay. If there is no confirmation, the Life-Tel triggers the alarm and notifies the preset phone numbers.

escape alarm
With this alarm, the Life-Tel reacts to hectic movements such as those that occur during an escape. After the pre-alarm, the Life-Tel triggers the alarm and notifies the pre-set phone numbers.
Fall alarm
Alternative to an escape alarm — if an escape alarm is not expected at work but the risk of falls is significantly high, the alarm serves as an alternative in the event of a fall.
loss alert
If the device is lost or removed from the arm holder, the Life-Tel also triggers an alarm.
Technical alarm
To monitor functionality and readiness for use, the Life-Tel is equipped with several technical alarm functions. The battery capacity, GSM reception, GPS reception and the functionality of the sensors are checked. If a limit is exceeded or a sensor malfunction occurs, a technical alarm is triggered and the Life-Tel notifies the preset phone numbers via SMS and/or phone call.
GPS Features
GPS location finding
The Life Tel series is equipped with a GPS receiver, which allows you to query GPS coordinates at any time.
GPS zone alarm
Each time the user leaves and enters the predefined zone, the Life-Tel sends an alarm message via SMS.
24 hour service/ emergency call center
Define who is notified when and with what information. Here you can manage the emergency call yourself or you can use the 24-hour service of one of our certified cooperation partner in claim.
Free support/ free maintenance
Choose from our offer and enjoy the services that are included in it. You pay no further costs, neither for maintenance nor for our support.
Notes and overview
Phone function
The Life-Tel can be used like a conventional smartphone at any time.
Alarm functions can be combined individually
Each individual alarm function can be activated individually and the sensitivity can be adjusted. All alarm functions can also be combined as required so that you can adapt the Life-Tel to your individual needs and special circumstances.
Safety-related information
For optimal monitoring of the person, the alarm messages must be received without downtime by a trained person or an alarm center.
incl. 19% tax
incl. 19% tax
incl. 19% tax
EX zone 2/22 1188€
incl. 19% tax
EX zone 1/21
incl. 19% tax





Independent alarm triggering - dead man switch