15 mins
Get to know our products
to be prepared for emergencies.
Our product range offers solutions for a wide range of applications. From the most modern personal emergency signal devices for the protection of lone workers in accordance with the regulations of DGUV 112-139 (formerly BGR 139) to automotive alarm systems and mobile alarm systems, our products define modern safety standards.

An overview of the important functions of our personnel emergency signal systems for lone workers.
The safety of lone workers, i.e. people who carry out work outside of call and sight of other people, is our focus, because there are lone workers in every industry.
Time alarm (dead man alert)
There is a regular review of the well-being of employees. If an employee does not respond, an alarm is automatically triggered after the pre-alarm.
SOS button/voluntary alarm
Die SOS button is used for immediate alarm triggering by the user. After a simple push of a button, the Life-Tel immediately sends alarms to pre-programmed numbers.
Situation alarm
The PNA monitors the position of the device using a position sensor. If the wearer of the Life-Tel deviates from the default position by more than 45 degrees over a defined period of time, the Life-Tel replaces a Pre-alarm off.
Accident detection (dead man alarm)
Deadman switching is vital, especially for lone workers, as alerting is completely automated in an emergency.
Accurate & fast location
If required, the Life-Tel series is equipped with a GPS receiver, which automatically transmits the exact location of the injured person in the event of an alarm.
24h service/emergency call center
Define who is notified when and with what information. Here you can manage the emergency call yourself or use the 24-hour service of one of our certified cooperation partners.
Outdoor positioning using GPS
The use of GPS satellites enables precise positioning outdoors. The GPS system uses a constellation of satellites to send signals to a GPS receiver (such as a Life Tel PNA).
Compliant with BG requirements
At factory level, the device meets all requirements under the German Social Accident Insurance, DGUV 112-139 for short (formerly BGR 139)
Indoor positioning via Bluetooth beacons
Our innovative Bluetooth location beacons offer a solution for precise indoor emergency positioning. These beacons continuously emit Bluetooth signals.
Free trial
Test our products for 14 days without obligation - with no follow-up costs. Free installation support.
Indoor positioning via WiFi
WLAN positioning, also known as WLAN positioning or WiFi triangulation, uses wireless networks to determine the location of the life tel.
No hidden costs
Choose from our offer and enjoy the services that are included in it. You pay no further costs, neither for maintenance nor for our support.

Professional associations recommend
Our personal emergency signal systems, which are built and parameterized in accordance with the product standard VDE V 0825-1, are suitable for personal emergency signaling during dangerous solo work in accordance with DGUV Rule 112—139 (ex BGR/GUV-R 139).